After serving our country with the United States Army during World War II and receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1950, William D. Toney, Jr. founded Annandale Balancing Company, Inc. in 1974. It later became incorporated in 1976. His passion was to strive to provide building owners, operators, and mechanical engineers/contractors with the most efficient and lowest operating cost as possible while maintaining building cleanliness and comfort throughout. With his vast mechanical systems and construction experiences he chose to found the company independently, with no other affiliations. This way we could provide the CUSTOMER with the most unbiased opinion and only the most useful information needed to quickly resolve problems, complete projects and most importantly SAVE THEM MONEY.
William D. Toney, Jr. founded Annandale Balancing Company, Inc. in 1974
What is Balancing?
Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) are the three major steps required to achieve proper operation of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. TAB refers to commercial building construction and the TAB contractor who employs trained personnel to perform this service. The TAB firm performs Air and Hydronic measurements on the HVAC systems and adjusts the flows as required to achieve optimum performance of the building environmental equipment. The balancing is usually based upon the design flow values required by the Mechanical Engineer for the project. The TAB contractor submits a written report which summarizes the testing and balancing and notes any deficiencies found during the TAB work. Building owners and tenants are concerned about the cost-effective performance of the environmental systems within their respective buildings. To achieve optimal efficiency in mechanical systems, the fundamental components must be properly employed using scientific techniques of which balancing is a leading factor. HVAC and Hydronic balancing ensures proper operation of building systems, reduces energy costs and creates an efficient workplace/atmosphere.